No pictures today. I did do the inner border in just 1 row in about 5 different pinks and am continuing the dark blue, black watch background and will be adding in swirls in blues and purples.
I'm still worn out from yesterday's grand moving of my crafting stuff from the trailer over to Kendra's house. It filled the back of a 10 ft Uhaul to the half way height point. The only furniture was a folding table the rest was books, and books, and more books--I really could open a mini crafting library on multiple subjects with no problem. Then there were the 6-8 sheep fleece tubs, the 3 x 3 by 4 box full of cotton roving 20 lbs of it, spindles and niddy noddies I've made for sale, felting tools, my large handmade tapestry loom, art easel, boxes, tubs, and bags full of cotton fabrics and others, yarn of various types, embroidery and fancy flosses, needlepoint miscellaneous, cross stitch miscellaneous, beading stuff, 10 boxes of porcelain doll parts and accessories to make them up, non porcelain dolls made by me or my mom, paintings, artwork and supplies. I keep telling my kids they are going to make a mint selling off my junk after I die but we are not getting rid of anything until to I do croak.
Right now almost everything is piled in my bedroom over at the house and I have to go over to sort it out--joy. A large chunk is going into the attic, mostly the stuff I'm not immediately going to work with like the doll stuff or too fragile for up there since it's not well insulated and mice and squirrels do sneak in from outside. Hopefully my compulsive organizer SIL will resist the urge to get into my junk. He was itching too so badly yesterday. He's already organized the books I have brought over by subject matter on the shelves.
I have been careful not leave any of my craft stuff over there too long if it's bags as he can't stand plastic bags and has to put it in a container. Last time he took a bunch of my knitting projects I had organized in bags with their respective yarns, directions, etc., took them out of their bags and put them neatly altogether in one big container. Needless to say I was not happy and he couldn't understand why I wasn't. My kids were amazed that he is still breathing as they got taught from an early age not to mess with momma's stuff or help "improve" it in anyway without asking. He reorganized the shed--the paint cans were lined up in an artistic arrangement from big to small, the tools were also carefully arranged in a row. His art tools are very carefully arranged and his desk spotless, needless to say I don't see much art being done, and he is very talented. The house inside is very uncluttered, but outside it's a mess. I can't do all the yard work I did last year at the time so I'm going to be lighting fires under him to get both the front and back straightened out.
Sebastin, the elderly dog at my daughter's house is nearing the end. i feel so sorry for the old guy. He doesn't seem to be in pain and recognized me and enjoyed being petted. But he's not eating now, very weak and refuses to come in. I think he wants to die outside rather than in and it been in 40's to 70's here. I keep going back and forth between having him put to sleep and letting nature run it's course. Going to talk to Heather again and see what she wants to do as he's her dog. Spike, my dog is trying to be helpful and supportive to Sebastin but his dying is freaking my dog out. Samson, that we lost 2 years ago went to the vets and never came back but he was in a lot of terrible pain from a type of dog cancer and degenerating disease. He was 10. Sebastin is at least 18 as he was mature when they got him in the mid 90's.
More hooking tonight I hope.
22nd February 2025
Ubud Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary in Bali
These creatures are probably wiser than those who are governing us at the
moment, the photo appeared as I s...
7 hours ago
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